Yes, you read that correctly. At this point, the majority of the negotiating happening is between different camps within Kaiser executive leadership: those who want to avoid a strike and those who want to fight it out. Because of the internal debate raging, we have not heard from Kaiser on an overall settlement package that deals with our top issues all day. This chaotic approach to negotiations is what has driven Kaiser’s bad faith bargaining all along, but the dysfunction on their team has never been as stark as it is today.
Discussions have continued on some important issues. Today we reached a Tentative Agreement on a 40% increase to our Education Fund. This will help expand the support for current SEIU-UHW Kaiser members to get the education and training needed to promote into higher paid classifications. There has also been slow movement and continued discussion on a range of other issues.
But what Kaiser executives need to get on the same page about is the major questions outstanding in these negotiations:
These are the questions being debated in Kaiser corporate offices as you read this.
We have no choice but to prepare for the likelihood that Kaiser will continue to choose unfair labor practices over bargaining in good faith with us to solve the Kaiser Staffing crisis. And we are prepared! The overwhelming majority of UHW members at Kaiser have signed up for a shift on the strike line! Bargaining team members are getting pulled out every hour to do interviews with media outlets both local and national. Members in the facilities are getting commitments from doctors, registered nurses, pharmacists, engineers and others to exercise their personal right not to cross our picket lines. Calls are pouring in from elected officials and community allies asking what they can do to support healthcare workers.
We are ready! Stay tuned…
Kaiser gave us 3 new proposals this morning:
We did not agree to their proposal. We have told Kaiser that we are not changing our wage proposal and that only a unified, respectful wage increase across the coalition will result in an agreement. We also let them know we are not interested in outsourcing the revenue cycle jobs.
We will continue to send updates as they happen.
Contract set to expire at midnight without an agreement.
In a few hours, our contract will expire and it doesn’t look like we will have a new agreement. There have been good discussions with Kaiser on a number of issues, and while there is no concrete agreement, we can see a path to resolution on raising shift differentials, a fair remote work agreement, and investments in training for both current employees to promote to harder to fill jobs and community members to become the healthcare workforce needed for the future. On six important issues, though, we remain far apart:
Kaiser continues to bargain in bad faith over these six issues and, so far, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
While the negotiating team continues to work on negotiations, hundreds of leaders came together throughout the state to get trained on how to run amazing picket lines at our unfair labor practices strike that begins at 6 am on Wednesday, Oct. 4. Hundreds of leaders gathered in Los Angeles, Oakland, Stockton, and Sacramento and are ready to roll on the 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th . Meanwhile, media interest in our strike are picking up with national stories in the Wall Street Journal, CBS and CNN. Elected officials are increasingly paying attention and calling on Kaiser to settle a fair contract with healthcare workers. All eyes are on us as we prepare for the largest healthcare workers strike in history!
(See below for the current side by side comparison of our proposals)
Negotiations between Kaiser management and our SEIU-UHW/Coalition bargaining team have continued all day Saturday and Sunday and late into the evenings and early morning hours. Depending on what the issue is, there have been various degrees of progress as described below:
RED HOT issues where we are worlds apart and cannot imagine any kind of settlement without major movement on Kaiser’s part.
CRITICAL ISSUES for which there have been good discussion but it is not clear where Kaiser is willing to land:
Issues for which there has been actual progress:
A handful of actual tentative agreements!
Next steps
A lot of hard work is being done. Some minimal progress is being made. But, make no mistake, there can be no agreement without a lot of movement from Kaiser on the top four Red Hot Issues. We have agreed with Kaiser to continue meeting till mid-day on Monday and then take a break till Friday morning and meet through the weekend to see if it’s possible to reach an agreement before our contract expires. We will continue to provide updates as we have them.
Bargaining started almost 6 months ago, but unfortunately it wasn’t until we gave management a ten-day strike notice that they finally got focused and responsive on a broad range of issues. They seem to now realize that saying no or just not responding on an issue isn’t going to make it go away.
We are still far apart on what are shaping up to be the 4 biggest differences:
We have, however, been working well into the wee hours of the morning to settle some less controversial yet still important issues:
While it’s great to finally see some progress, we still have a long way to go. The fact that we are still so far apart on the key issues – and that Kaiser has delayed in responding to our proposals and must stop committing unfair labor practices – means that we are still committed to our 10/4 – 10/6 strike.
The Bargaining Team will continue to work over the weekend, and we will keep you updated if there are any major developments.
This morning, our National Bargaining team submitted a 10-day notice to Kaiser Permanente executives that we are calling for our first unfair labor practice strike starting Oct. 4 at 6 am through 6 am, Oct. 7, 2023. Together, SEIU-UHW members will be united in this work action with more than 75,000 Kaiser healthcare workers across California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Virginia, and Washington DC – making it the largest healthcare worker strike in U.S. history.
This three-day strike will be the initial demonstration of our strength to Kaiser that we will not stand for their unfair labor practices. If Kaiser continues to commit unfair labor practices, we are prepared to engage in another longer, stronger strike in November to protest Kaiser’s unfair labor practices, when additional Coalition members in Kaiser’s newest market in Washington state can join us (their contract expires Oct. 31).
This is a difficult decision and we know it will require sacrifices of us all but Kaiser executives continue to bargain in bad faith over the solutions we urgently need to the Kaiser short staffing crisis, and the safety and well being of our patients and workers is on the line.
As frontline healthcare workers, we got into this work to help people. It’s frustrating and painful to watch our patients waiting and suffering, while we burn ourselves out trying to do the work of two or even three people trying to care for everyone.
Kaiser executives have the power to solve this problem. But, despite reporting more than $3 billion in profits in the first six months of this year, they are choosing not to. Instead, they are bargaining in bad faith and continuing to wage their divide-and-conquer strategy, insisting on an offensive raise proposal that fails to keep up with the cost of living for anyone:
Additionally, Kaiser executives:
After months of delay, Kaiser finally responded to important issues like minimum wage and shift differentials, but overall, they continue to bargain in bad faith. Check out the complete side-by-side comparison of our SEIU-UHW/Coalition proposals and Kaiser’s responses:
This is a critical moment for us. It will be the largest healthcare unfair labor practice strike in US history, and the only way we will be successful is if we stand together, stay united, and support each other on the strike line.
Questions about the strike? Check out our FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Kaiser Makes Divisive, Sorely Inadequate Raise Proposal
Despite making $3 billion in profits in just the first six months of this year, Kaiser’s millionaire executives are trying to divide frontline workers instead of working with us to solve the crisis in patient care by providing raises that keep up with the cost of living for ALL of our members.
Here is Kaiser’s offensive proposal:
Northern California: Annual raises of 4%, 4%, 3%, 3%
Southern California: Annual raises of 3%, 3%, 2% (plus 2% lump sum payment), 2% (plus 2% lump sum payment)
None of these proposed raises are acceptable. They wouldn’t even come close to helping us keep up with the skyrocketing cost of living here in California.
This is just the beginning of Kaiser’s divide-and-conquer strategy. If we let them get away with attacking our southern California members with lower raises now, next they’ll demand lower raises for Sacramento and Fresno, or they will try to force ALL of northern California to pay for our healthcare because they say it costs more. All of us will fall farther behind with raises that don’t keep up with the rising cost of living. After all we have been through working on the front lines with Kaiser, we deserve to move forward – not fall farther behind.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Kaiser:
The bargaining team rejects this proposal. With inflation and the rising cost of living as they are, this proposal would put us even further behind and make it even more difficult to hire the additional people we need to solve our understaffing crisis.
Angry? Don’t complain, vote YES to strike!
Our bargaining team is calling on every member to go out and VOTE YES to strike to protest Kaiser’s unfair labor practices. The higher the number of YES votes, the stronger our message is to Kaiser that we are united and ready to fight for raises that keep up with the cost of living for ALL of our Kaiser members. The only way we solve the crisis in patient care at Kaiser is to raise pay to retain the experienced workers we have and attract new workers to join us.
Only 6 Days Left to Vote!
Kaiser’s Values are Not Our Values
With 37 days left before our contract expires, Kaiser still hasn’t made any proposal to raise wages for the healthcare workers even after the pandemic and inflation. For three days, management would not present any proposal to our National Bargaining Team. This is unheard of in the 25 years of our partnership. The only economic proposal they made was to slash the value of our PSP by capping it at $1,400. They still do not want to guarantee a PSP payout for us, although managers would continue to get bonuses regardless of Kaiser’s finances. We were clear with Kaiser that this was not something we were going to accept:
Meanwhile, in local bargaining, both UHW and Kaiser identified their top three issues for changes to the purple book. The contrast was stark:
UHW’s priorities:
(Kaiser has not offered any counters to any of these proposals)
Kaiser Priorities:
Staffing: Bandaids but no Permanent Solutions
Kaiser has not yet responded to our long-term proposals around subcontracting protections and eliminating vacancies. However, our Staffing Committee is working on an agreement for a temporary, one-year accelerated hiring period so we can get to 10,000 positions filled by the end of 2023. It isn’t final yet, but we are discussing:
We are far from agreement, but on staffing, in the short-term at least, we are having useful discussions and engagement. We have made it clear to Kaiser that while this quick short term action is important, staffing shortages have existed for years and are predicted to continue for decades. We also need permanent staffing solutions in our National Agreement.
It’s Clear We Have to Strike
Based on Kaiser’s priorities, it’s clear we are very far apart. While we continue to insist on wages that keep up with inflation and real solutions to the short staffing crisis, KP management has made no proposal to raise wages, tried to slash our PSP bonus, pushed a scheme to fire sick workers, and is nowhere to be found when it comes to investing in workforce training, limiting outsourcing and so many other important priorities.
On Thursday we held a press conference – that received national attention in the media – to announce that we are holding our votes to authorize the bargaining team to call for a strike when our contract expires on October 1st. Strike votes will begin next week. Check the schedule for your facility and support the bargaining team’s recommendation to vote YES for strike authorization.
Our Economic Proposal to Kaiser
On Aug. 1, we presented a full, comprehensive economic proposal to Kaiser management. Here’s what we are asking for:
So how did management react? They refused to respond.
That’s right. Refused. No proposals. No counters. No answers to our questions about hiring, about their finances, or about their non-union expansion plans in Pennsylvania. Kaiser management is trying to slow-walk us to the expiration of our contract and it’s clear we need to continue to turn up the heat on them.
Let’s Keep that Picket Momentum Going!
Last week, thousands of SEIU-UHW and other Coalition members held pickets in our first major public action of the contract campaign. To win the contract we deserve, we have to keep getting louder! Sign up for our Labor Day events in Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Diego!
After three months of little progress at the bargaining table, this morning representatives from all the Coalition unions personally handed management picket notices for over 50 locations in California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Watch the video to see UHW member Angela Glasper of Kaiser Antioch deliver our notice.
Now we’ve got to make it happen! Sign up for your picket today!
Welcome to the fourth update from your 2023 SEIU-UHW Kaiser bargaining team.
Kaiser’s post-pandemic message to healthcare workers: “You’re Overpaid!”
At bargaining this week, the “non-profit” that pays its CEO $16 million a year gave a clear message to the EVS worker raising a family on $48K a year in LA: “You make too much money.”
It’s unbelievable. Kaiser pays 49 executives more than a million dollars a year, but they think a PCT earning $52K a year in Portland is making Kaiser unaffordable. The corporation that has over $113 billion in investments – including questionable ventures around the world – believes they are paying healthcare workers $450 million a year too much in wages that are “over market.”
We will be submitting a full economic proposal – including wages – at our next bargaining session on August 1, but the fault lines in negotiations are becoming more and more clear: our Coalition spoke about how we are falling behind, struggling to afford living where we work, and losing ground to rising costs. Kaiser spoke about outsourcing more of our work to to low wage, for-profit companies – undermining middle class jobs.
Why Can’t Kaiser See Our Value?
What’s good for us is good for Kaiser – but for some reason they can’t seem to see that.
Kaiser’s response is to make things worse. They want to:
If it wasn’t clear before, it’s clear now: we have a fight on our hands and Kaiser thinks we’re bluffing. Luckily for us, we’re not.
So Many Strike Captains!
On July 8, hundreds of us came together to begin our training as Strike Captains. We discussed how to best communicate and share information so that everyone understands what’s happening and why. And this is just the beginning. We’ll be continuing to meet and train and get better in the coming months.
It’s Time to Picket!
It’s clear that the only way that we will get Kaiser to listen to us is to make some noise. We will be picketing in front of Kaiser hospitals across the country during the week of 7/25-7/29. Sign up for your picket today – the more of us that are out on the line, the better our chances to get the contract we deserve!
Welcome to the third Kaiser Bargaining update from your 2023 SEIU-UHW Kaiser bargaining team. This session was dedicated to discussing the Labor Management Partnership (LMP), and we made strong formal proposals to Kaiser management regarding the PSP bonus and the future of the partnership.
We also want to welcome our 54 new IT Support workers from Northern California who just joined us in SEIU-UHW! You make us that much stronger at bargaining.
Our Proposal to Kaiser
You can check out our full proposal to management, but here are some of the highlights:
Local Bargaining
Management has yet to respond to our top priorities around increasing differentials and other matters we brought up in the last session, Instead, they have come with more takeaway proposals on steward rights and probationary period. Needless to say, we do not plan on going backward on any of these issues.
Our team also gave management a comprehensive proposal on work at home that would provide fair and consistent standards on schedules, reimbursements. work expectations, and how and when work at home arrangements can be ended. We will continue to push for all of our needs and will report back on our progress in future sessions.
Strike Captains Getting Ready!
On June 20, over 500 of us who have stepped up to be Strike Captains came together to begin the conversation of what it means for us to be strike ready at our facilities. This group will be getting together regularly over the next few months so that if and when a strike happens, we’ll be able to hit the ground running.
Labor Standing Together
While we were in LA, we had the opportunity to join our sisters and brothers of UNITE HERE Local 11 Hotel Workers. Like us, they are fighting to afford living in the city where they work by instituting a $25/hour minimum wage for their workers. And like us, they will very likely have to go on strike to get there. This was incredible way for us to witness and learn what it takes to build up to a strike. Three of our members even participated in civil disobedience and got arrested for the action. Si se puede!
Welcome to the second Kaiser Bargaining update from your 2023 SEIU-UHW Kaiser bargaining team. In the second session, we continued our talks on how to address the staffing crisis, discussed Kaiser’s finances, and Kaiser’s recent announcement to acquire Geisinger Health and start a new company called Risant.
Addressing the Staffing Crisis
We started with a report back from the labor-management task force working on getting 10,000 new hires into Coalition vacancies by the end of the year. Subgroups will be meeting weekly through the end of June to address internal delays in the bidding and hiring system, market limitations for harder-to-fill classifications, collaboration about high-volume hiring opportunities, and providing union leaders in the facilities input into core staffing models.
Kaiser Company & Employee Finances
Most of the second day was spent on finances: Kaiser’s finances, the finances of our pension fund, and the finances of the workforce in a time of unprecedented inflation.
Local bargaining
We had our first session of local bargaining (purple book) to discuss topics not covered in the National Agreement. We shared five priority areas with management:
While our team was very disciplined and focused, Kaiser management presented a long list of desired takeaways, including giving up our right to sympathy strike, giving up our ability to bargain over changes to our job descriptions, and allowing Kaiser to unilaterally change which areas and positions are designated for bilingual pay. Our team has no intention of going backward.
Why the Geisinger Health Acquisition and the Creation of Risant Matter
We called Kaiser out on the acquisition they announced last month of a Pennsylvania medical group called Geisinger Health and the creation of Risant, a new healthcare company that Kaiser intends to use to buy up health systems. With the announcement, Kaiser not only failed to discuss this plan with its unions, but we learned that Kaiser’s top leaders at the Medical Group weren’t even involved in the deal!
Kaiser’s behavior around the Geisinger acquisition has raised critical questions:
Coming out of bargaining, it is clear we have to be ready to fight:
Welcome to the first Kaiser Bargaining update from your 2023 SEIU-UHW Kaiser bargaining team.
Our first challenge to Kaiser: Hire 10,000 new workers
The biggest issue we have to solve at Kaiser is the chronic understaffing we face in our facilities. And Kaiser knows it too! They shared some eye-popping statistics with us:
Given the urgency of the staffing crisis, we presented a challenge to management: let’s commit to hiring 10,000 new Kaiser employees into Coalition positions by the end of 2023. And they said yes! To accomplish this, a small national working team of Kaiser and Coalition members will be mobilized to explore ways to:
This group will report back on its efforts at the next bargaining session on May 16.
Watch what your co-workers have to say about understaffing at Kaiser
Kaiser Has the Resources to Do What’s Right
Management spent a lot of their time talking about what a bad financial year 2022 was for them. But here’s the reality: Kaiser’s net worth is $58.9 billion and it made $20 billion in profits in the last five years. It’s not a question of money. It’s a question of priorities and values.
Our State Bonuses Are Finally Coming!
At last, the red tape has been cleared and our California retention bonuses ranging from $1,250-$1,500 will be paid out. Southern California members will see the bonus in our May 5th paycheck and Northern California members will see it in our May 12th paycheck! Remote workers who did not qualify for the state bonus will be getting a $500 bonus from Kaiser on the same dates.
In Unity,
Your 2023 Kaiser National Bargaining Team