Doing business in South Africa: Requirements of an audit

Doing business in South Africa: Requirements of an audit

Requirements of an audit in South Africa.

In terms of the Companies Act in South Africa, a company must compile its financial statements on an annual basis, which must be done within 6 months after its financial year end.

In addition, the Act prescribes certain requirements regarding the underlying accounting records of a company.

Watch this video for more details on the requirements of an audit in South Africa.

Doing business in South Africa: Business structures

Doing business in South Africa: Business structures

Doing business in South Africa: Tax in business

Doing business in South Africa: Tax in business

Doing business in South Africa: Introduction to corporate tax

Doing business in South Africa: Introduction to corporate tax

Mokgadi Malematsa | RSM South Africa

Mokgadi Malematsa Director: Audit

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