I, ________ , residing at the following address: ________ , do certify under the penalty of perjury that I was born on ________ in ________ .
I further certify that on ________ , in ________ , I was legally and ceremoniously married to ________ .
This Affidavit of Marriage is being submitted for the following reason:
Oath or Affirmation of Affiant:
I certify under penalty of perjury under Alabama law that I know the contents of this Affidavit signed by me and that the statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
________ , Affiant
STATE OF ______________________, COUNTY OF ______________________:
On this ________ day of __________________________, __________, before me,
____________________________, personally appeared ________ , known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as for the purposes therein contained.
52 8822288 8525222 5 52525222 822 22 5525 525 22288858 8258.
My commission expires: _________________
Preview your documentAFFIDAVIT OF MARRIAGE
I, ________ , residing at the following address: ________ , do certify under the penalty of perjury that I was born on ________ in ________ .
I further certify that on ________ , in ________ , I was legally and ceremoniously married to ________ .
This Affidavit of Marriage is being submitted for the following reason:
Oath or Affirmation of Affiant:
I certify under penalty of perjury under Alabama law that I know the contents of this Affidavit signed by me and that the statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
________ , Affiant
STATE OF ______________________, COUNTY OF ______________________:
On this ________ day of __________________________, __________, before me,
____________________________, personally appeared ________ , known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as for the purposes therein contained.
52 8822288 8525222 5 52525222 822 22 5525 525 22288858 8258.
My commission expires: _________________