Policies and procedures

Policies and procedures provide clarity and consistency, by communicating what people need to do and why. Policies can also communicate goals, values and a positive tone. Data protection law specifically requires you to put in place data protection policies where proportionate. What you have policies for and their level of detail varies, but effective data protection policies and procedures can help your organisation to take the practical steps to comply with your legal obligations.

At a glance - What we expect from you

Direction and support

Your organisation’s policies and procedures provide your staff with enough direction to understand their roles and responsibilities regarding data protection and information governance.

Ways to meet our expectations:

Have you considered the effectiveness of your accountability measures?

Review and approval

You have a review and approval process in place to make sure that policies and procedures are consistent and effective.

Ways to meet our expectations:

Have you considered the effectiveness of your accountability measures?

Staff awareness

Staff are fully aware of the data protection and information governance policies and procedures that are relevant to their role.

Ways to meet our expectations:

Have you considered the effectiveness of your accountability measures?

Data protection by design and by default

Your policies and procedures foster a ‘data protection by design and by default’ approach across your organisation.

Ways to meet our expectations:

Have you considered the effectiveness of your accountability measures?

Further reading

ICO guidance:

Further resources:

External guidance: