Vmware player license agreement

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When you perform an unattended installation of Workstation Player , you can customize the installation by specifying installation properties in the installation command.

To specify an installation property in the installation command, use the format property keyword varname" >value ". A value of 1 means true and a value of 0 means false.

Table 1. Installation Properties
Property Description Default Value
AUTOSOFTWAREUPDATE Enables automatic upgrades for Workstation Player when a new build becomes available. 1
DATACOLLECTION Sends user experience information to VMware. 1
DESKTOP_SHORTCUT Adds a shortcut on the desktop when Workstation Player is installed. 1
EULAS_AGREED Allows you to silently accept the product EULAs. Set to 1 to complete the installation or upgrade. 0
INSTALLDIR Install Workstation Player in a directory that is different from the default Workstation Player location. C:\Program Files (86)\VMware\VMware Player
KEEP_LICENSE Specifies whether to keep or remove license keys when Workstation Player is uninstalled. 1
KEEP_SETTINGFILES Specifies whether to keep or remove settings files when Workstation Player is uninstalled. 1
SERIALNUMBER Lets you enter the license key when Workstation Player is installed. Enter the license key with hyphens, for example, "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx".
SIMPLIFIEDUI Turn on or off certain UI features of Workstation Player . 0
SOFTWAREUPDATEURL Specifies a custom URL for managing software updates (separate from vmware.com).
STARTMENU_SHORTCUT Adds a Start menu item when Workstation Player is installed. 1
SUPPORTURL Set a support URL or email alias specifically for your users to contact with product issues through the Workstation Player Help menu.